为了探讨大鼠烧伤休克早期血浆 TNF 含量和微循环的变化,以及虎杖4号对上述变化的影响,我们采用复制的大鼠 TBSA 35%~40%烧伤休克模型。用 L929细胞株生物法测定了血浆 TNF含量的变化。在显微电视放大4000倍条件下观察大鼠脊斜肌微循环变化,对部分动物的肺做了病理形态学观察,并观察了虎杖4号对上述改变的影响。结果表明,大鼠烧伤休克早期血浆肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)含量即明显升高,其升高程度与微循环中 WBC 附壁粘着及毛细血管的关闭程度呈明显的正相关。应用虎杖4号可明显抑制烫伤后血浆 TNF 的升高。同时亦明显减轻 WBC 的附壁粘着和肺损伤。提示烫伤后血浆 TNF 的升高参与了 WBC 的粘着和微循环紊乱的发生。
The changes in microcirculation and the level of plasma TNF in rat at the early stage of burn shock were measured,and the effects of Polygonum cuspidatum(PC)on above mentioned changes were observed.It was shown when the level of plasma TNF was increased,the number of adhesive leukocytes on venule wall was increased and the number of open capillaries were reduced significantly, and there were apparent aggregation of leukocytes and injury in lungs.The level of plasma TNF and the number of adhesive leukocytes were nearly normal,and the degree of aggregation of leukocytes and in- jury of lungs were attenuated by giving PC.The present study showed that the level of elevated plasma TNF in the early stage of burn shock was directly correlated with the adherence of leukocytes and the closing of capillaries.The administraion of PC could apparently inhibit the increase of leukoytes,and at the meantime,attenuate the adherence of the neutrophils and injury of the lung.The results confirmed that the elevation of plasma TNF might be involved in the development of adherence of neutrophils and the disturbances of microeirculation in burn shock.
Leucocyte adherence inhibition
Polygonum cuspidatum