
化妆品中甲醛含量的测定方法 被引量:15

Determination Method of Formaldehyde Content in Cosmetics
摘要 甲醛由于其亲水性好、杀菌效率高、价格低廉以及不受体系中的酸碱度的影响等优点,而用作化妆品的防腐剂。但甲醛对人体健康的危害很大,因此需要对化妆品中的甲醛含量进行检测。本文详细介绍了测定化妆品中甲醛含量的方法,并对每种方法进行评价和总结。随着化妆品防腐技术的不断发展,未来的化妆品中将会彻底禁用甲醛。 Formaldehyde is used as one kind of preservatives in cosmetics due to its following advantages: good hydrophility. high efficient sterilization ability, low price and unaffected pH value in the system. However, formaldehyde does harm to human health. Therefore, the content of formaldehyde in cosmetics should be determined. In this paper, determination mcthods of formaldehyde in cosmetics are introduced in detail. And each method is evaluated and summarized. With the development of the preservatives in cosmetics, the formaldehyde will be forbidden in the cosmetics in future.
出处 《香料香精化妆品》 CAS 2005年第5期27-30,共4页 Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics
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