Objective: To investigate the elinicopathologieal features of angiomyofibroblastoma (AMFB) of vulva. Methods: Clinical data, pathological features and immunohistochemical data were amalyzed with review of literatures, and differential diagnosis was discussed in detail in one case of AMFB. Results: On gross examination, the tumor was well circumscribed, measuring 2.5cm in diameter. It was characterized by alternating hypercellular and hypocellular edematous zones in which abundant thin-walled blood vessels were irregnularly distributed. Spindle, plump spindle, and epithelioid tumour cells were aggregated around the blood vessels. Mast cells and lymphocytes were readily observed. The tmnour cells expressed positively for vimentin, CD34, CD99, bcl-2 and PR, but negatively for desmin, S-100 protein, ER, EMA, cyterkeratin AE1/AE3 and alpha-SMA by immunohistochemical examinatim. Conclusions: AMFB is a benign tmnour and should be distinguished from aggressive angiomyxoma.
Sichuan Journal of Cancer Control