
YFK-1仿真试验控制台的研究与开发 被引量:6

Research and Development of Simulation Control Platform YFK-1
摘要 仿真试验控制装置是水下航行器控制系统半实物仿真中不可缺少的设备。论文以水下航行器半实物仿真系统为应用对象,以工业控制计算机和数据采集卡为硬件平台,采用LabVIEW开发工具,开发完成了YFK-1仿真试验控制台。该控制台接收来自ADI仿真计算机的仿真信号及外部设备驱动信号,采用A/D、D/A、TTL、光隔离、VMIC反射内存实时网络等接口,实现了多路模拟量、数字量的检测和显示。开发的系统具有控制、检测、监测和报警功能,且具有和高级语言C++的接口,可以调用C++的源程序,大大加强了仪器的灵活性。 The control equipment for simulation experiment is necessary in Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The design of the simulation control platform was introduced based on the hardware system of industrial computer with data acquisition card, and developing soft tool (LabVIEW). The control platform could receive the simulation data from real-time simulation computer ADI and drive external device by the interfaces cards such as A/D, D/A, TFL, isolated digital, reflective memory real-time network and so on. It could monitor and display the multi-channel digital and analog signals. The system has the function of controlling, detecting, monitoring and alarming of simulating progress. The C++ source programming can be used by the program call which greatly strengthens the flexibility of instruments.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期2641-2644,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 水下信息处理与控制国防科技重点实验室基金(51448060105HK0361)
关键词 水下航行器 半实物仿真 控制台 仿真试验 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) hardware-in-the-loop simulation control platform simulation experiment
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