
饰面瓷对玻璃渗透氧化铝陶瓷-饰面瓷复合材料颜色的影响 被引量:2

Influence of veneering porcelain on the color of dental infiltration alumina core ceramic and veneering porcelain complex
摘要 目的:观察饰面瓷类型和厚度对玻璃渗透氧化铝陶瓷-饰面瓷复合材料颜色的影响规律。方法:实验于2004-10/2005-03在解放军总医院完成。计算机辅助设计制作用渗透铝瓷基底分别用In-Ceram AL2色玻璃料及自行研制的AG2玻璃料渗透,制作10m m×10m m×1m m样本,并在其上分别构筑不同厚度VitadurAlpha饰瓷A2色的不透明牙本质瓷、牙本质瓷,EN1色牙釉质瓷,采用M inolta CM-2600d分光测色计进行颜色测定。结果:不透明牙本质瓷对基底颜色的饱和度和色相进行调节,随牙本质瓷厚度的增加,复合材料的颜色表现为明度降低,饱和度与色相趋于稳定,而随牙釉质瓷厚度的增加,复合材料的明度进一步降低。结论:渗透铝瓷基底明度对复合材料颜色有重要的影响,不透明牙本质瓷的作用是迅速消除基底颜色与比色板各色号间的颜色差距,再通过调节牙本质瓷、牙釉质瓷的厚度达到复现自然牙颜色的目的。 AIM: To observe the regularity of the influence of veneering porcelain thickness on the color of the glass infiltration alumina core ceramic and veneering porcelain complex. METHODS: The experiment was carried out in the General Hospital of Chinese PLA between October 2004 and March 2005. Dental computer aided design (CAD)/computer aided manufacture (CAM) alumina blanks were infiltrated by AG2 and Vita In-Ceram AL2 infiltration glass powder. Basal specimens were made by 10 mm×10 mm×1 mm. Different thickness of Vitadur Alpha dentine veneering porcelain color A2 series and enamel porcelain were fired on the surfaces of basal specimens. Color results were measured by Minolta CM-2600d spectrophotometer. RESULTS: Opaque dentine modified the hue and chroma of the infiltration ceramics substrates, with the increasing of the thickness of the dentine porcelain, the light value of the complex decreased, while the chroma and hue tends to be relatively stable, enamel porcelain decreased the light value of the complex. CONCLUSION: The light value of the infiltration ceramics substrates affects the color of the complex notably, opaque dentine reduce the color differences between the infiltration ceramics substrates and the color tabs of the shade guide, then with the firing of the dentine and enamel porcelain, the designated shade is obtained.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第42期21-23,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 全军医学科学技术研究"十五"计划面上项目资助(01MA198)~~
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