
337调查:中美贸易发展的新障碍及其应对策略 被引量:10

Section 337 Investigation: New Obstacle and Its Overcoming in Sino-US Trade Development
摘要 337调查是依据《美国关税法(1988)》第337条款,对侵犯美国境内知识产权的产品进口和销售加以禁止的贸易保护措施。至今美国对中国发起337调查已有39起,并有继续增加的趋势。337调查具有应诉时间短、律师费用高、调查内容专业等特点,对出口国的影响明显,已经成为中美贸易发展的新障碍。我国应该采取积极主动的措施,有效防范和消除337调查所带来的不利影响,以促进中美贸易的平稳发展。 Under section 337 of the Tariff Act of the United States ( 1980), Section 337 Investigation is a protective statute that prohibits the unlawful importation and sale of articles that infringe a US intellectual property. So far the US has launched 39 cases of Section 337 Investigation against China and has shown its tendency to conduct the investigation on an even larger scale. Featuring short and compact proceedings, significant litigation costs and specialists initiated hearings, Section 337 Investigation is extremely effective against exporters and has become a new obstacle in Sino-US trade development. China should take initiatives to rise to its resultant negative effects, prompting steady improvement in Sino-US trade ties.
作者 马常娥
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期74-79,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 337调查 贸易壁垒 中美贸易关系 Section 337 Investigation Trade Barriers Sino-US Trade Ties
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  • 1根据美国商务部有关统计数据计算分析而得,http://www. census, gov/foreign-trade/statistics/country/index, html.
  • 2中国对外经济贸易部网,http ://www. moftec, gov. on/tjzl. shtml.
  • 3均为季度调整数,http ://www. census, gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/current-press-release/exhl. pdf.
  • 4美国商务部网,http://www.ita. doe, gov/td/industry/otea/usftu/current, pdf.
  • 5美国商务部网,http://www. ita. doc. gov/td/industry/otea/usfth/top80cty/china, html.
  • 6美国国务院官方网,http://www.usinfo, state, gov/topical/econ/wto/wwwholllllol, html.





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