
成就动机和性别对风险倾向的预测作用 被引量:6

Achievement Motivation and Gender Predict Risk Attitude
摘要 研究通过对等同绝对值(CE)的比较将冒险倾向转换为可以量化比较的变量,旨在探讨成就动机和性别在经济获益和损失的各种概率情景下对冒险倾向的预测作用。结果发现,高低成就动机组并没有表现出冒险倾向的显著差异。进一步的相关分析发现,成就动机中的回避失败维度与获益情景下的冒险倾向相关显著,而追求成功维度与各个情景下的相关都不显著。以回避失败维度聚类得到的高低回避失败组,体现出来的冒险倾向趋势显示高回避失败组的被试在获益低概率、获益中等概率、获益高概率、损失低概率、损失中等概率和损失高概率6种情景下都更加回避冒险,而且两组等同绝对值中位数的差异在获益中等概率和获益高概率两种情况下达到显著。另外,冒险倾向的性别差异只在损失中等概率和损失高概率两种情景中达到显著,这两种情况下都是女性更冒险,这与传统的女性更保守的刻板印象不同。 Certainty equivalents (CEs) of six risk prospects, i. e. , gain under low probability, gain under middle probability, gain under high probability, loss under low probability, loss under middle probability, and loss under high probability, which represented gain and loss outcomes under three different probabilities, were generated to represent the risk attitude. No significant difference of risk attitude was found between participants with high achievement motivation and those with low achievement motivation in six risk prospects. However, participants with different propensity to avoid failure showed significant discrepancy in risk attitude in gains domain under high and middle probabilities. The motive to avoid failure is a more sensitive factor to predict risk attitude than the motive to approach success in gains domain. Moreover, female participants gave significant higher CE in loss domain under high and middle probabilities, suggesting female was more risk-seeking in those conditions.
作者 李洁 高定国
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2005年第3期214-221,共8页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:70273060)资助
关键词 冒险倾向 成就动机 回避失败倾向 性别差异 risk attitude,achievement motivation, failure aversion,gender corresponding.
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