
中药材成分提取动力学数学模型的建立及参数分析 被引量:14

Establishment of Mathematical Kinetic Model of the Components Extracted form the Cmcp and Analyses of Their Parameters
摘要 目的:建立单个中药成分提取动力学数学模型及参数分析方法。方法:根据F ick定律、N oyes-w h itney溶出理论和药材提取过程的实际情况,建立包括代数式的微积分方程组的中药复方溶出动力学数学模型,求解得函数表达式,并对动力学参数求算方法进行研究。结果:建立了包含多项e的指数形式的成分溶出浓度解析解及各参数的分析方法。结论:封闭、开发体系中药成分的扩散体系溶出符合线性动力学数学模型,各参数可根据溶出浓度表达式关系计算得到。 Objective: AIM To establish the mathematical kinetic model of the components extracted from the CMCP( Chinese Medicine Compound Prescription) and analyze their Parameters. Methods: The model, including algebra and differential groups, have been set up according to the FICK discipline and Noyes-Whitney solvent theories, as well as two transfer diffusive processes (MIC to SwC, from material interior compartment to swelled compartment , SwC to SoC, from swelled compartment to solvent compartment) on components extraction of the CMCP. The equation groups ,according to laplace transform, have been given a solution, which expresses the quantitative changes of the component concentration in solvent vs time. The model kinetic parameters have been elucidated , meanwhile the parameters have been analyzed by way of the mathematical kinetic model of the components extracted form the CMCP. Results: It has been established a solution that consists of three parts of E exponent, and also analyzed that the given expressions have been used to calculate the kinetics parameters, including k, k1 ,k2, k3, k4, ρ1 ,ρ1, ρ2, A1, A2, V0, V1, V2. Conclusion: The model can have been carried out with multiplex linear kinetics and each parameters can be analyzed completely.
出处 《数理医药学杂志》 2005年第6期513-517,共5页 Journal of Mathematical Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(30472199) 中医药管理局中医药科研基金(02-02ZP41)资助
关键词 提取动力学 数学模型 封闭体系 开放体系 水蒸气蒸馏法 渗漉法 索氏提取法 extracted technique mathematics kinetics model isolated system opening system kinetic parameters parameter analysis distillation extraction percolation extraction oxhlet extraction
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