
MBI-学生版的信效度检验及影响倦怠的学业特征 被引量:41

The Reliability and Validity of MBI-SS and Academic Characteristics Affecting Burnout
摘要 目的:检验Maslach倦怠量表-学生版(MBI-SS)的信、效度,并对影响学业倦怠的学业特征因素进行探讨。方法:以353名大学生为被试,施测MBI-SS和学业特征量表,以BDI作为效标。结果:CFA显示学业倦怠量表的三维度结构得到验证,拟合指数较高,信效度指标良好。EFA显示学业特征量表可以被分为六个维度,因素结构清晰,信效度指标良好。回归分析显示学业特征可以解释44.4%的学业倦怠总分。结论:本研究支持学业倦怠的三因素(衰竭、讥诮态度和效能感降低)划分,学业特征量表中学业自我效能感、学业压力、与老师的关系和与同学的关系四个方面对于学业倦怠有显著的预测作用。 Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of MBI-SS and discuss the academic characteristics that affect burnout. Methods: 353 undergraduate students were administrated MBI-SS and Academic Characteristic Survey. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the expected three-factor structure of the adapted versions of the MBI- Students Survey (including Exhaustion, Cynicism, and Reduced Efficacy) fitted to the data. Exploratory factor analyses showed that the Academic Characteristic Survey includes six dimensions. The result of Regression showed that 44.4% variance of student burnout can be explained by Academic Characteristics. Conclusion: Student burnout includes three dimensions: Exhaustion, Cynicism and Reduced efficacy. Academic self-efficacy,academic stress,relationship with teachers and relationship with fellow students are significant predictors for student burnout.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第4期383-385,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 学业倦怠 信效度 学业特征 预测 MBI-SS, Reliability Validity, Academic characteristics
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