鉴别了1987~2003年广东省稻瘟菌(Magnaporthe grisea)标样3865份,分离出有效单孢菌株2621个,共鉴定出8群65个生理小种.结果表明,全省不同地区、不同年份间稻瘟菌生理小种的类型及其组成存在较大的变动.其中ZC群为优势菌群,出现频率平均达45.71%,ZB和ZG为次优势菌群,平均出现频率分别为20.87%和19.11%.ZC13一直是优势小种,出现频率达23.47%,其次ZG1、ZC15、ZF1和ZB13小种出现的频率也较高,分别为18.11%、12.18%、8.91%和7.37%.
2612 isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were collected and identified in Guangdong. Among them, 8 groups with 65 races were identified using different rice varieties during 1987 - 2003. The results showed types and compositions of the races were different from time to time and place to place. ZC group was the dominant group with the average frequency of 45.71%, and race ZC13 was the dominant race with the average frequency of 23.47%. The average frequency of races ZG1, ZC15, ZF1 and ZB13 were 18.11%, 12.18%, 8.911% and 7.37 %, respectively.
Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College