
开展电力需求侧管理 努力实践科学发展观 被引量:1

Developing power DSM for implementing scientific development view
摘要 通过对合肥市电网用电负荷特点采取电力需求侧管理的实施背景和主要措施的分析,介绍了开展“移峰填谷”等确保电网安全运行、缓解用电紧张的管理手段和成效,并提出了今后工作的建议。 The load characteristics of Hefei power grid, the background of power DSM implementation and DSM measures adopted by the grid are introduce. The DSM measures, such as averting peaks and filling valleys, taken to ensure the safe operation of the grids and to ease the power consumption strain are analyzed, as well as the achievements obtained. Some suggestions on future DSM efforts are put forward.
作者 刘文博
机构地区 合肥供电公司
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2005年第11期68-71,共4页 East China Electric Power
关键词 需求侧管理 负荷特点 移峰填谷 DSM load characteristic peaks averting and valleys filling
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