
Daubechies复小波的生成及其在短时电能质量扰动检测中的应用 被引量:26

Daubechies Complex Wavelets and Their Application in Short Duration Power Quality Disturbances Detection
摘要 在分析比较了现有用于短时电能质量扰动检测的方法后,研究了用正交紧支复小波进行检测与抑制噪声的原理,提出用Daubechies正交紧支实小波派生其复小波的实用方法,并结合复小波变换提供的相位信息构造了多种新型复合信息形式。仿真表明,采用本文方法派生的复小波及其复合信息形式进行电能质量扰动检测,具有良好的噪声鲁棒性且提高了应用Mallat算法的实时性。 A practical method using Daubechies compactly supported orthogonal wavelets to derive complex wavelets is proposed. The application of these complex wavelets in short duration power quality disturbance (SDPQD) detection is presented. Integrating phase information of disturbance signals provided by the complex wavelets transform, some new combined information is constructed. The simulation results show that, applying Mallat algorithm, the derived complex wavelets and combined information are found to be significant improvements over current methods in real-time detection and better noise proof ability.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期106-110,共5页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
关键词 电能质量 短时扰动 Daubechies复小波 检测 噪声鲁棒性 实时性 Power quality, short duration disturbances, Daubechies complex wavelets, detection,noise robustness, real time
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