
仿真测试自动判读专家系统的设计与实现 被引量:12

Designing and Realizing Automatically Diagnostic Expert System for Simulation Test
摘要 利用专家系统原理,对某航天设备的综合仿真测试系统进行分析研究,设计并实现了仿真测试自动判读专家系统,对测试系统的指令及数据注入文件能够自动解读,对遥测模拟量和数字量能够实时的自动判读,包括模拟量的超限报警和数字量的正确性判读,提出了几种通用的遥测模拟量和数字量判读规则的形式及动态的实时判读推理方法。经系统测试和实际应用证明,判读准确性和实时性高。 Utilizing the principle of expert system to analyze and research the simulation test system for some spacecraft, an automatically diagnostic expert system for simulation test wasdesigned and realized. Instructs and inject files of the test system couldbe automatically analyzed. Analog and digital data couldbe real-time checked automatically, including ultra-limit warning for analog data and exactness checking for digital data. Several kinds of general diagnosis rules for analog and digital data and method of real-time dynamically reasoning were proposed. Proved by system testing and practical application, diagnosis accuracy and real-time character of the automatically diagnostic expert system are high.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期3050-3052,共3页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 专家系统 仿真测试 实时 动态推理 自动判读 判读规则 expert system simulation test real-time dynamically reasoning automatic diagnosis diagnostic rule
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