
基于顾客权益的价值导向型顾客关系管理——理论框架与实证分析 被引量:32

Value oriented customer relationship management based on customer equity:(Conceptual) framework and empirical analysis
摘要 虽然目前有关顾客关系管理的探索正如火如荼,但相关理论与实践却并不乐观.在揭示现有理论与实践误区的基础上,开发出基于顾客权益的价值导向型顾客关系管理理论框架.然后,运用来自中国的实际数据,构建了结构方程模型,验证了顾客价值的关键维度及其对顾客权益的影响机制和影响程度,揭示出关系质量的中介效应. Although customer relationship management in business and academic fields is becoming increasingly important in today's customer-centered era, the current situation of relevant studies and practices is not so optimistic, and many problems exist. Therefore, based on extensive literature review, this paper develops an integrated framework for value-oriented customer relationship management in perspective of customer equity by uncovering the current traps and problems in customer relationship management research and practices. Then following several hypotheses proposed based on the framework, more attention is given to the building of structural equation models by using Partial Least Square Method and hypotheses testing on the basis of the evidence from China. As a result, the key dimensions of customer value are identified and their impacts on customer equity are examined. This definitely lays a solid foundation for future theoretical research and practical applications.
出处 《管理科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期27-36,共10页 Journal of Management Sciences in China
基金 国家自然科学青年基金资助项目(70202002) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70472052)
关键词 颐客权益 顾客价值导向 顾客关系管理 关系质量 customer equity customer value orientation customer relationship management relationship quahty
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