对科研成果产出的定量科学评价,可以了解科研队伍的现状和科研的影响力。利用文献计量学方法,采集了2000—2004年SCI数据库中中国学者发表的地球科学论文,统计分析中国地球科学SCI论文的产出和被引用情况,以了解中国当前具有国际学术交流能力和SCI论文发表能力的地球科学研究队伍的现状和科研成果的国际影响力。分析结果表明,2000—2004年中国的国际地学研究论文数量以年均21.87%的速度递增,5年的论文篇均被引频次为2.57。地球科学二级学科领域SCI论文产出数量从高到低依次为:地质科学、地理科学、空间物理学、环境科学、地球物理学、大气科学、海洋科学、地球化学。在中国地学研究队伍中,中国科学院系统和教育部系统发表的论文数量最多,论文数量合计占中国国际地学论文总数的83.58%。中国当前具有国际学术交流能力和SCI论文发表能力的地球科学研究队伍人数在8 000人左右。
Through the quantitative analysis of its output of scientific articles, we can understand the current status and its scientific influence of a institute. By using the bibliometrics method and based on the data of the earth sciences articles of Chinese authors in Science Citation Index (Expanded) from the year 2000 through 2004, this article counted and analyzed all the papers and their citation, and further presented the status and international in- fluence of Chinese geosciences scientist team who have the abilities of scientific communion with foreign scientists and the abilities publishing paper in SCI journals.
The analytic results showed that the number of Chinese Geosciences articles increase with 21.87% per year from the year 2000 through 2004, and their citation frequency per paper is 2.57 in the five years. The numbers of Chinese geosciences papers of the secondary disciplinary taxonomy from high to low are : geology, geography, space physics, environment science, geophysics, atmospheric science, oceanography, geochemistry.
The Earth sciences scientists that have the abilities of international academic exchanges and publishing article in SCI journals are not more than 8000 people, and they are mainly in the institutes belong to the Chinese Academy of Science and the universities belong to the Ministry of Education. The Earth sciences SCI papers published by the scientists belong to the two systems account for 83.58% of total amount of Chinese Earth sciences SCI articles.
Advances in Earth Science