

Independent Personality and Modern Personality Moulding
摘要 我国传统人格仍然深深地影响着现实人格,阻碍着现实人格向现代人格的转化。本文主要从人格的独立性上,通过对照分析传统的依附型人格对现实人格的影响,查找现实人格在独立性上存在的问题,以期引起社会对培养独立人格的重视。 The traditional personality of our country is still influencing realistic persoiaality deeply, and hindering the transformation to modem personality.This paper analyses the impact that the traditional depending on personality on realistic personality through coritrast from the independence of personality mainly, finds out the question that realistic personality exists on independence ,in the hope of causing the Society to the attention training independent personality .
作者 崔红丽
出处 《乌鲁木齐成人教育学院学报》 2005年第4期32-34,共3页 Journal of Urumqi Adult Education Institute
关键词 传统人格 现实人格 独立人格 现代人格 traditional personality realistic personality independent personality modern personality
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