
基于信息融合的分布式多舰无源定位算法 被引量:2

A Distributed Multiple Warships Passive Location Algorithm Based on Information Fusion
摘要 提出一种基于信息融合的分布式多舰无源定位算法,该算法通过属性关联和空间关联相结合的方法实现了多舰无源传感器的定位关联,并采用时变采样间隔的修正增益推广卡尔曼滤波器,用多条舰艇的舰载电子侦察设备对海上多个运动辐射源目标进行分布式纯方位跟踪融合。仿真结果表明:进行跟踪融合后的定位精度比单个舰艇的定位精度有了较大幅度的提高,受目前雷达侦察设备的测向精度比较低的限制,使得跟踪融合后不能达到很高的精度,但该精度可以满足海上导弹攻击的需求,导弹可以通过对一定范围内的目标进行搜捕达到精确打击的目的。该算法对海上慢速运动的舰艇辐射源进行纯方位跟踪有较好的稳定性和可满足要求的定位精度,能够满足工程应用的要求。 A distributed multiple warships passive location algorithm based on information fusion was presented. By way of feature association and space association, this algorithm can execute the location association of multiple warships passive ESM sensors. It also adopts the time-varying sampling modified gain extended Kalman filter (MGEKF), and shipborne ESM equipment of multiple warships are used to distributed bearings-only tracking fusion multiple maritime moving emitters. Computer simulation results prove that the location precision of tracking fusion is improved a lot compared with the single warship location precision. Though it cannot reach a very high precision because of the low direction finding precision of radar ESM system, it does satisfy with the need of maritime missile attack, for missiles can search certain area to strike the target with precision. The algorithm has a good stability and satisfis the location precision for bearing-only tracking on maritime low-speed moving warship emitters and can satisfy the need of practical applications.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期845-848,共4页 Acta Armamentarii
关键词 计算机应用 时变采样间隔 推广卡尔曼滤波 属性关联 信息融合 computer application time-varying sampling EKF feature association information fusion
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