
中药灯盏花促进兔上颌缝牵张成骨的实验研究 被引量:6

The effect of Erigeron Breviscapine on accelerating suture distraction osteogenesis
摘要 目的通过兔上颌缝牵张成骨动物实验模型,观察TGF-β和BMP在前颌缝中的表达,探讨灯盏花对上颌骨改建的作用与机理.方法年轻家兔12只,随机分为对照组6只,实验组6只,佩戴自制前牵引装置,均持续前牵上颌骨,每日于对照组两侧前颌缝局部注射单纯生理盐水0.4ml,实验组复方灯盏花素0.4ml,分别在牵引后7、14天处死动物,切取一侧前颌缝组织块,制作标本,免疫组织化学方法对TGF-β、BMP进行染色,光镜观察、灰度值分析,进行统计分析.结果实验组较对照组两因子高表达(P<0.05);TGF-β7天实验组较14天对照组高表达(P<0.05);成骨活跃者成纤维细胞增多,血管分布增多;骨缝缘无典型的活跃成骨细胞排列.结论灯盏花具有促进骨组织形成的作用,血管生成、微循环改善是机理之一;灯盏花可能具有直接成骨的功能;灯盏花促进成骨活动的机制与TGF-β的调节机制有相似之处. Objective To try to find out the effects of Erigeron Breviscapine (EB) in suture distraction osteogenesis by observing tile expression of TGF and BMP in the maxillary suture of rabbits. Methods The self-restraint protraction devices were weared in 12 young rabbits. They were designed randomly into two groups: the control (n=6) and the experimental group (n=6). The experimental group received injection of Erigeron Breviscapine 0. 4ml at either side of premaxillary suture every day. And control group accepted injection of 0. 9% Nacl. After distraction 7 days and 14 days, 6 rabbits were killed. The tissues of the premaxillary bone suture from the rabbits were harvested and processed for immunohistochemistry of TGF and BMP. Results There were stronger expression in the experimental group than in the control group (P 〈 0. 05). There was stronger TGF-β expression in the 7 clays experimental group than in the 14 days control group (P〈0. 05). There was a great quantity of the fibroblast and blood vessel in the active osteogenesis. There were not typical active osteoblasts in the border of the bone sutures. Conclusion EB could play an important role in accelerating efficiently suture distraction osteogenesis.
机构地区 [
出处 《口腔正畸学》 2005年第4期151-154,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
基金 陕西省科技厅资助项目
关键词 灯盏花 缝牵引成骨 免疫组化 兔模型 EB Distraction osteogenesis Irnmunohistochemistry Rabbit
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