
溶藻细菌的生态学作用及其生物量检测方法 被引量:6

Ecological Role and Biomass Detecting Methods of Algae-Lysing Bacteria
摘要 有害藻类水华已成为当今世界水体普遍存在的环境问题,溶藻细菌作为水华和赤潮防治的可能生物,引起了众多科研人员的关注。介绍了溶藻细菌的研究概况,重点对溶藻细菌的生态学作用及其生物量的检测方法进行了综述。 Harmful algae water blooms have become present-day worldwide common environmental problems, algaelysing bacteria (ALB) as a possible useful organisms to control water blooms and red tide have caused many researchers to pay close attention to. Current research survey on ALB, their ecological role and biomass detection methods were emphatically summarized.
出处 《微生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2005年第5期62-67,共6页 Journal of Microbiology
基金 留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司[2000]367号) 武汉市科技攻关计划(20026002097武科计[166])
关键词 溶藻细菌 有害藻类水华 生态学作用 检测方法 algae-lysing bacteria harmful algae blooms ecological role detection methods
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