
外商直接投资与我国经济增长问题研究综述 被引量:8

Review of Foreign Direct Investment and China Economic Growth
摘要 新古典主义经济增长理论认为,FD I的流入通过资本积累作用影响东道国的经济运行。此领域的实证研究得出两个不同的结论:一是FD I在东道国产生技术溢出效应,从而促进东道国经济增长;二是技术差距的存在,FD I在东道国的技术溢出效应为零且因FD I对国内投资的替代效应,FD I不利于东道国的经济增长。我国学界的研究认为,FD I在总量上促进了我国经济快速成长,也对我国区域经济发展产生了重要影响。未来有关FD I与东道国经济增长的研究可能从内生经济增长的角度出发,采用新的研究方法,研究FD I促进我国经济增长的微观机制、FD I与我国区域经济增长的一般规律。 The economic growth theory of Neoclassical Economics holds that FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) influences economy operation of the host nation through capital accumulation . In this field, the demonstration arrives at two different conclusions. One showed that FDI accelerates the economic growth of the host nation for the effect of technology overflow, and the other argued that because the technology gap exists and the domestic investment is substituted, FDI is opposite to the economic growth of the host nation. The researchers in our country believed FDI has stimulated economic rise of our country on the total amount as well as on area economic rise. The future research on the pertinence between FDI and the economic growth may start from inner economy rise and focus on pursuing the microeconomic mechanism of FDI promoting economy with new method.
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期76-81,共6页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金(05SJD790020)
关键词 FDI 经济增长 研究综述 FDI economic growth review
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