
北柴胡适生地分析及数值区划研究 被引量:28

Analysis on the Adaptive Area of Bupleurum chinense DC. And It's Quantificationally Geographical Division
摘要 采用生物适生地分析系统,对北柴胡的适宜产地进行数值区划,并与资源普查结果相比较,以探索药材产地适宜性区划的现代方法。结果发现以北京延庆为基点,以水热距为距离和分级指标,得出了北柴胡全国的783个适宜产地,主要分布在纬度27.5-54.2°,经度75.17-134.17°之间,其中1级适宜产地的分布范围为纬度35.22-44.47°,经度102.33-124.05°之间,主要在山西、陕西、河北的北部,内蒙的中南部及辽宁的西南部,该结果与我国北柴胡的自然分布产区非常相似。结果表明采用生物适生地分析系统,结合柴胡资源调查资料,可以较好地对北柴胡的适宜产地进行数值分级区划。 The Analytical System of Adaptive Region for Living Being's Growth (RALG) was used to the adaptive region analysis and the quantificationally geographical division of Bupleurum chinense DC. the results were compared with those gotten from the resource general investigation. The purpose of the study was to find out the modem method of adaptive regional division of Chinese Medicinal Materials. When Yanqing of Beijing was regarded as the analytical basal place, and the precipitation and temperature distance was used as the reference of division grade, 783 adaptive areas were found among all the countries of China. They are scattered among the latitude 27.5°to 54.2°and longitude 75.17°~134.17°. The first grade adaptive areas of them are located in the north of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Hebei province, the mid-south of Inner Mogolia, and the southwest of Liaoning province between latitude 35.22°to 44.47°and longitude 102.33°~124.05°. The results are consistent with the actual distributiion of B. chinense DC. wild resources. It can be concluded that the Analytical System of Adaptive Region for Living Being's Growth, combining the resources investigation data, is suitable for the quantificationally geographical division of B. chinense DC.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 2005年第6期125-129,共5页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 北京市科技计划项目:北京地区中药材种植的区划研究 负责人:陈士林 国家中医药管理局中医药科学技术研究专项(2004ZX06-3):北柴胡 丹参 川贝母种子种苗质量标准规范化示范研究 负责人:陈士林 北京市农业科技项目:北柴胡新品种及其规范化生产技术试验示范 负责人:魏建和 北京市科技新星计划(2004A60):A类 负责人:魏建和。
关键词 北柴胡 产地适宜性 数值区划 生物适生地分析系统 Bupleurum chinense DC., adaptive area, quantificationally geographical division, RALG
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