目的从临床病理学方面研究胆囊上皮性肿瘤的分类。方法全部为手术切除标本,常规病理取材,切片,HE 染色。结果单纯性腺瘤22例,乳头状腺瘤13例;原发性癌101例,继发性癌6例。24例交界性病变,其中6例平坦型,18例隆起型。6例疑有癌变的腺瘤和2例重度异型增生的腺瘤在诊断时,良恶性有争议。结论应确立交界性病变的存在。它属于癌前病变。
AIMS Classification of epithelial tumors of gallbladder was clinicopatho- logically studied. METHODS All 166 samples were taken during operation and pathological sections were stained by HE. RESULTS Simple adenomas were in 22 cases,papillomas in 13 cases,prima- ry carcinomas in 101 cases,secondary carcinomas in 6 cases.In 24 cases of borderline lesions,they were flat type in 6 cases,elevated type in 18 cases. In 6 adenomas with suspicious canceration and 2 adenomas with severe dysplasia,neoplasms it was disputed that they were benign or malignant. CONCLUSIONS The borderline lesions must be recognized.They belong to precancerous lesions.