
广州市西区的历史水患与防洪现状 被引量:1

Historical Flood Events and Current Flood Protection Situation in Western District of Guangzhou
摘要 广州市历史上因北江洪水、流溪河洪水、台风暴潮等导致水患频频。西区因地势相对较低.受灾尤为严重。本文在讲述西区历史水患的同时,也论述了建国后省水利部门为西区防洪做的种种工作及收到的良好效果,并提出厂今后防洪工作应注意的问题。 Abstract: Historically, Guangzhou was frequently attacked by Beijiang flood. Liuxihe flood, typhoon and storm tide. Because of its relatively low geographic position. western district suffered more severe flood damage. The paper describes the historical flood events of western district,various measures taken for flood protection and its results achieved as well as the flood protection problems concerned in the future.
机构地区 广东省水利厅
出处 《广东水电科技》 1996年第1期14-18,共5页
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