

Research on Sinterability of Andalusite from Mei County,Shaanxi Province
摘要 研究了由陕西眉县红柱石配制的试样的烧结性。试样成型后在1350℃、1450℃和1550℃下煅烧,结果表明:①在1500℃下,完全由红柱石配制的试样S1表现出良好的烧结性;而在实验温度范围内,添加了工业氧化铝的试样S2烧结不充分;②在实验温度范围内,试样S1呈膨胀的特性,且随温度的升高,膨胀程度增强;试样S2表现出收缩的特性,而且随温度的升高收缩程度增大。 The sinterability of the samples were invesligated, which were made of andalusite from Mei County. and andalusite and industrial alumina respectively. After molding, the samples were sintered at 1350℃, 1450℃ and 1550℃ .By means of analysis, the results were acquired:①The sample S1 wholly made of andalusite from Mei County appears excellent sinterahility at 1550℃.and the sample S2 added industrial alumina is sintered insufficiently in the range of experimental temperature.②In the range of experimental temperature.the sample S1 presents expansive property, and its expansive degree will raise with rising temperature: the sample S2 presents contractile property, and its contractile degree will raise with rising temperature.
出处 《非金属矿》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期12-14,共3页 Non-Metallic Mines
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(项目编号:04JK216)
关键词 红柱石 烧结性 莫来石化 温度 andalusite sinterahility mullitization temperature
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