
早熟春黄瓜一代杂种赣黄瓜1号的选育 被引量:1

Breeding of Gan Huanggua No. 1' an Early Maturing Spring Cucumber F1 Hybrid
摘要 赣黄瓜1号(901)系用86-7-1-7-31E和86-3-7-5-16两个优良的自交系配制的一代杂种。该品种早熟、较耐低温与弱光、抗枯萎病、耐霜霉病,品质优良,与对照品种长春密刺相比,前期产量增产18.8%,总产量增产20.8%。一般667m2产量可达5000kg左右。 Gan Huanggua No.1 (901) is a newly released F1 hybrid that was developod from the cross of 86-7-1-7-31E self-bred line as female parent with 86-3-7-5-16 self-bred line as male parent. It has desirable traits including early maturity, tolerance to low temperature and weak light. resistance to fusarium wilt,tolerance to downy mildew,good quality and high yield.The yield of early stage was 18.8% higher than that of the check variety (Changchun Mici) The total yield was 20.8% higher than that of the check variety. It is suitable to early culture of spring cucumber of plastic house in the Yangtze basin region.
出处 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 1996年第4期9-11,共3页 China Vegetables
基金 九江市科委资助
关键词 春黄瓜 黄瓜 杂种 赣黄瓜1号 早熟性 杂交 Spring cucumber, F1 hybrid, Gan Huanggua No. 1
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