4Yale Office of Internatinal Affairs. Summary of Yale University' s Current Collaborations in China, 2003.
5Alison Cook-Sather. Unrolling Roles in Techno-Pedagogy: Toward New Forms of Collaboration in Traditional College Settings. Innovative Higher Education, 2001, 26(2).
6Criteria for Accreditation engineering Programs. Effective for Evaluation during the 2003 - 2004 Accreditation Cycle. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technnology, Inc. Nov. 2, 2002. (http: //www. abet. org).
7Testimony of Dr. Judith S. Eaton (President, Council for Higher Education Accreditation, USA), Assuring Quality and Accountability in Higher Education: Assessing the Role of Accredition. Lecture of PENN-NAEA Training Program for Chinese Higher Education Leaders, University of Pennsylvania, Nov.-Dec.2003.