
用于激光等离子体中X射线测量的单光子计数型CCD的标定 被引量:8

Calibration of single-photon counting X-ray CCD
摘要 介绍了单光子计数型CCD的工作原理。实验选择参数准确的X射线放射源前向辐照CCD的像元面,计数由此产生;通过积分获得X射线的强度分布,在CCD处于单光子计数状态下,扣除本底信号,得到该型CCD产生一个计数所需的光子能量,约6.453 eV。标定了该型CCD的探测效率。结果表明:在单光子计数型CCD的有效能区内,对于不同能量的入射光子,其探测效率不同,在5.3 keV处获得最高探测效率66%;随着能量的增大,探测效率降低。标定结果可为激光等离子体研究中定量测量X射线光谱提供实验参考。 This paper introduced a new technique about calibration of a single-photon counting X-ray CCD. The principle of the CCD was described, In the calibration experiment, several standard X ray sources were adopted to radiate forward the CCD detector and the counts oeeured. When the CCD was in a state of single-photon counting, the X-ray intensity was obtained with integral. After deducting the background, the photon energy of 6. 453 eV that produced one count was calibrated, Based on this result, the detection efficiency of the CCD was calculated. The detection efficiency changed with photon energies in the range of 5. 3-30 keV. The efficiency decreased with the increase of the photon energy.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期77-80,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金资助课题(10275056) 国防科技重点实验室基金资助课题(51480010104ZS7702)
关键词 CCD 能量响应 探测效率 标定 X射线 CCD Energy responses Detection efficiency Calibrations X-ray
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