
使用光子映射渲染参与介质 被引量:1

Rendering Participating Media Using Photon Mapping
摘要 光子映射是近年发展起来的一种新的全局光照算法。本文依据光子映射对实体物体的渲染,将其扩展到对包含参与介质的场景的渲染,为此提出了一个两路的渲染算法。在第一路中,光子从光源发射,并使用光子追踪来构造体光子图;第二路从视点出发向场景中发射光线,使用光线追踪来进行渲染,其中,根据构造好的光子图,用光线步进进行递归的辐射估计,得出最终光强。 Photon mapping is a new global illumination algorithm developed in recent years. This article presents a twopass algorithm to render the scene including participating media, and this algorithm is an expansion of the rendering to solid objects with photon mapping. In the first pass, photons are emitted from a light source. We use photon tracing to trace each photon and to construct a volume photon map. In the second pass, rays are emitted from a sight point. We use ray tracing to trace each ray and use ray marching to perform recursive radiance estimation with the constructed volume photon map and get the final intensity.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 2006年第1期65-67,88,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
关键词 蒙特卡洛 参与介质 光子映射 相函数 辐射估计 光子图 Monte Carlo participating media photon mapping phase function radiance estimation photon map
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  • 4Henrik Wann Jensen, Per H Christensen. Efficient Simulation of Light Transport in Scenes with Participating Media Using Photon Maps[A]. SIC, GRAPH' 98 [C]. 1998. 311-320.
  • 5Henrik Wann Jensen. Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping[M]. AK Peters, 2001.




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