
三甲医院病房护士长岗位工作分析研究 被引量:14

Analysis of post work of head nurses in a third grade A hospital
摘要 [目的]对四川省一所三甲医院病房护士长岗位进行工作分析,为该岗位的聘用、培训和绩效考核等提供决策依据。[方法]抽取该三甲医院90名医护人员进行横断面问卷调查,从工作的职责范围、权利、工作关系和任职资格等方面,对病房护士长岗位进行工作分析。[结果]形成了三甲医院病房护士长工作说明书,提出了目前该岗位存在的问题及解决问题的思路。[结论]形成的工作说明书和提出的岗位分析报告,可为四川省三甲医院科学地进行病房护士长的人力资源管理提供决策依据,对提高该院护理人力资源的科学管理水平以及病房护士长的管理效率具有积极作用。 Objective: In order to provide a basis for post employment, training and achievement examination of head nurses, it analyzed the work of head nurses in ward of a 3 - A- grade hospital in Sichuan province. Methods: A total of 90 medical and nursing staffs from a 3 - A - grade hospital in Sichuan province were investigated in cross- sectional by filling out questionnaire. The work of head nurses in ward of a 3 A - grade hospital in Sichuan province was analyzed from the aspects of responsibility extent, right, relation, and post certification. Results: It formed an instruction booklet for head nurses' work in ward of the 3 - A - grade hospital in Sichuan province. And it pointed out ,some problems existed in post work of head nurse and corresponding methods to solve them. Conclusions: The formed work instruction booklet and the post work analysis report of head nurse can provide as a basis for head nurses human resources management scientifically. It could have some active effects in both enhancing the scientific management level on the nursing human resources and management effect of head nurses in ward of the hospital.
出处 《护理研究(上旬版)》 2006年第1期71-73,共3页 Chinese Nursing Researsh
关键词 岗位 工作分析 病房护士长 人力资源管理 post job analysis head nurse in ward human re.sources managemcnt
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