
关系稳定性与零售商感知的机会主义行为——直接影响与供应商承诺的间接影响 被引量:27

The Research on Relationship Stability and Retailer Perceived Opportunistic Behavior——The Direct Effectiveness and Supplier Commitment's Indirect Effectiveness
摘要 研究了关系稳定性对零售商感知的供应商机会主义行为的直接影响,以及关系稳定性通过供应商承诺这一中间变量对零售商感知的供应商机会主义行为的间接影响。通过对中国家电行业160对供应商与零售商关系的问卷调查,采用因子分析和结构方程模型的方法对概念模型及假设进行了验证,得出的研究结果表明,双方良好的关系态度既可以直接降低零售商感知的供应商机会主义行为,也可以通过增加供应商的忠诚性承诺和减少其算计性承诺来降低零售商感知的供应商机会主义行为;虽然关系长度对零售商感知的供应商机会主义行为的影响不明显,但它却可以通过增加供应商的忠诚性承诺和算计性承诺来降低和提高零售商感知的供应商机会主义行为。 The direct and indirect effects of the relative stability on the opportunistic behavior of the perception from retailers were examined. 160 pairs of the relations between suppliers and their retailers at household electrical trade in China were surveyed through the questionnaire to test the conceptual structure modes and the hypotheses. Two conclusions were given:(1)The opportunistic behavior of the perception from the suppliers could be receded directly by favorable attitude of the relation between the suppliers and retailers; this behavior could also be receded indirectly by through enhancing suppliers' loyalty commitment or reducing their plotted ones; (2)The length of the relation ef- fects the opportunistic behavior of the perception from the retailers a little, but could strength the opportunistic behavior through suppliers' enhancing their loyalty commitment or receded the opportunistic behavior by suppliers' reducing their plotted commitment.
作者 刘益 曹英
出处 《管理学报》 2006年第1期64-69,共6页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70272023 70572037) 创新研究群体科学基金资助项目(70121001)
关键词 关系稳定性 态度承诺 机会主义行为 零售商 relative stability opportunistic behavior perception retailers and suppliers
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