
甘肃“引大”灌区农业结构调整与草业发展 被引量:6

Agricultural structure adjustment and prataculural development of "Yinda"irrigational region,Gansu
摘要 秦王川地区是甘肃“引大入秦”工程的主灌区,土地平坦、土壤耕性好、光照资源丰富,灌溉设施齐备,可灌土地5.33万hm2,具有良好的农业生产潜力。“引大”的成功引水,使该区粮食产量大幅上升;但由于受近年来农产品价格下跌和市场机制的影响,增产并未使农民增收,导致部分农民外出务工或经营它业,撂荒面积达1.33万hm2。当地农民为节约开支而压缩用水,使“引大”工程的巨大资源闲置浪费,无法发挥效益。自1998年以来,兰州好为尔树屏奶牛基地和秦王川奶牛场的相继建成,对青贮玉米Zea mays和紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa等优质饲草的需求量大增,给该区草业发展提供了巨大的市场空间,为灌区农业结构调整和农民增收提供了一条新路子,即以市场需求为导向,以奶牛乳品业加工为龙头,大力发展灌区奶业与草产业,并实行定单农业,促进地方经济发展,走可持续发展道路。 The main area of "Yinda"Ruqin Engineering is Qinwangchuan, Gansu, with a flat land, good cultivation soil, abundance solar resource, complete irrigation facilities and high agricultural production potential, and has irrigatable farm land of over 53.3 thousand hm2. The successful irrigation engineering of "Yinda"Ruqin increased crop production, but the farmer could not benefit from increasing crop yield. The main reasons have been the price decrease of crop products and market adjustment in recently years. So, partial farmers in this area make money by off-farm work or engaging in business, which makes farmland be obsoleted 13.3 thousand hm^2. For saving crop production expenses, the farmer reduces irrigation Water use, which makes the irrigation engineering resource leave unused and restricts "Yinda"engineering benefit. Lanzhou Hovill Biological Science and Technology Co. Ltd. has established Shuping dairy breeding base and Qinwangchuan dairy farm since 1998, which implies large increasing demand for silage maize and alfalfa planting, pratacultural development shows a wide market prospect. These also provide new ways for agricultural structure adjustment and framer incomelncrease for "Yinda"irrigational region. It is to say, guided by market demanding and milk processing, develop milk. industry and pratacultural, carry out order for goods:agriculture and improve sustainable development of local economy,
作者 王文 魏爱兰
出处 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期61-66,共6页 Pratacultural Science
关键词 “引大”灌区 农业结构调整 草业发展 "Yinda"irrigational region agricultural structure adjustment pratrcultural development
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