
基于Gabor滤波增强的指纹识别 被引量:3

Recognition of Fingerprint Based on Gabor-filter Enhancement
摘要 指纹图像增强及快速准确匹配一直是指纹识别系统需要解决的两大重点,现提出一种优化后的Gabor滤波以增强指纹纹线并有效消除噪声的方法,能从指纹图像中有效的提取必需的特征点,以此提高指纹识别的算法效率和准确率。 How to enhance and match fingerprint images both quickly and effectively are important subjects in the fingerprint identification system, A method is presented to enhance fingerprint ridge and to elimiate noises effectively with optimal Gabor filters. It can extract the wanted feature efficiently from the fingerprint. The fingerprint identification algorithm and the rate of the precision can be increased efficiently.
出处 《生物医学工程研究》 2005年第1期11-13,17,共4页 Journal Of Biomedical Engineering Research
关键词 指纹图像增强 指纹识别 GABOR滤波器 频率滤波 脊线跟踪 Fingerprint enhancement Fingerprint identification Gabor filter Frequency filtering Ridgeline tracking
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