
能岗匹配动态过程定性模拟研究 被引量:8

Qualitative Simulation for Dynamic Process of Competency-position Fit
摘要 能岗匹配是人力资源配置的重要原则,实施动态环境下的能岗匹配需要模拟出管理者素质变量与岗位职能变量的变化趋势与程度以及这两者的实时匹配程度。描述了管理者素质与管理岗位职能的变量,基于因果关系图理论建立了用于能岗匹配的定性模拟模型,借鉴QSIM算法思想设计了状态变量知识表示方法及其转换规则;利用机器负荷与管理者素质改变容忍成本的思想设计了模拟后续分支过滤器,以消除转换过程中的歧义行为和防止组合爆炸;采用BP神经网络设计了管理人员能岗匹配度逼近计算函数,用以评价管理者工作过程的合理性;最后设计了定性模拟步骤并给出了一个模拟应用实例,模拟结果表明,所设计的模拟方法是合理的,可以用于管理者岗位匹配过程的描述。 Competency-position fit is an important principle of human resource configuration. To execute this rule in dynamic environments, the change trends and degrees of manager competency and position function variables should be known to calculate their real time fit degree. In this paper, manager competency and management position function description variables are given and the simulation model of competency-position fit is built based on casualty theory. State variables knowledge description methods, transition rules and simulation steps are designed according to qualitative simulation algorithm. Based on enterprise management commonsense, such as the thoughts of machine load and manager competency changing compatible cost, filters of successor transition states are designed to eliminate spurious behavior and prevent combination blasting. The BP neural network function is employed to design approaching function for calculating manager competency-position fit degree, which is used to appraise the reasonability of manager work process. Qualitative simulation steps are constructed and an application of manager selection is illustrated finally. The results showes that simulation methods are reasonable and can be used as a tool for describing the fitting process between manager and position.
出处 《管理科学》 CSSCI 2006年第1期35-41,共7页 Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(70271029)
关键词 能岗匹配 人员配置 定性模拟 BP神经网络 competency-position fit manager configuration qualitative simulation BP neural network
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