
极性晶体中强耦合表面磁极化子特性 被引量:2

Properties of the Strong Coupling Surface Magnetopolaron in Polar Crystal
摘要 研究极性晶体中表面磁极化子的特性。采用Huybrechts线性组合算符和幺正变换方法,导出了晶体中强耦合表面磁极化子处于基态的振动频率和有效哈密顿量,讨论了坐标z的两种极限情况,对RbCl晶体进行了数值计算。结果表明:振动频率和平行有效哈密顿量随磁场的增加而增大。 In the past dozens of years, with the development of magneto-optical technology, the properties of the polaron in a magnetic field have been widely studied both experimentally and theoretically. However, the properties of magnetopolaron have not been investigated by Huybreehts method so far. The excitation energy of the strong coupling surface polaron have been calculated using Huybreehts method by the present authors and co -workers. The properties of the surface magnetopolaron in polar crystals were studied. The ground state vibration frequency and the effective Hamiltonian of surface magnetopolaron were derived by using the linear combination operator and the unitary transformation method. Two limiting cases of the coordinate z for the electron-SO phonon and eleetron-LO phonon system are discussed. Numerical calculations, for the RbCl crystal as an example, are performed. We find that due to the existence of the surface optical (SO) phonons, the electrons move more close to the surface, the interactions between the electrons and the SO phonons become more strong. When the electron infinitely close to the surface, the contribution of the LO phonon can be neglected. On the other hand, the contribution of the bulk LO phonon will increase with the increase of the distance between electron and the surface. At this moment, the contribution of the bulk LO phonon is much greater than SO phonon's, and then we can omit the SO phonon. The results show that the vibration fi'equency and the paralle reason 1 effective Hamiltonian of surface magnetopolaron will be increased with increasing magnetic field. The is that with the increase of magnetic field the location of the magnetopolaron will be enhanced.
出处 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期23-26,共4页 Chinese Journal of Luminescence
基金 国家自然科学基金(10347004) 中国石油大学校长基金(2005)资助项目
关键词 表面磁极化子 强耦合 有效哈密顿 surface magnetopolaron strong coupling effective Hamiltonian.
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