
运动疗法与小儿脑性瘫痪 被引量:1

Exercise therapy and cerebral palsy in children
摘要 目的:从国内外小儿脑性瘫痪运动疗法的应用出发,探讨小儿脑性瘫痪运动疗法康复的有效性和系统性。资料来源:在天津市医学情报站、天津市医学图书馆,手工检索2000-03/2005-02的与小儿脑性瘫痪运动疗法有关论著与文献,检索词“脑性瘫痪、运动疗法”,并限定文献语种为中文,检索词“cerebral、stimulation”,限定文献语种为“English”。资料选择:从资料中选取包括Bobath法、voijta法、上田疗法及引导式教育等方法,以改善患儿肢体运动功能、生活自理和社会适应能力。资料提炼:共收集50余篇关于脑性瘫痪文献,选用27篇近5年国内外治疗脑性瘫痪的经验报道。资料综合:分别涉及到神经发育疗法、Bobath疗法、Rood疗法、感觉统合治疗、上田疗法、平衡功能训练、口运动障碍治疗、电刺激疗法、矫形支具、教育康复、作业疗法、引导式教育等14种康复措施。结论:对小儿脑性瘫痪实施运动疗法肯定有效,虽然不能根治,但可以改善患儿的功能,充分发挥其潜能,但康复方法的选择需要进一步研究。 OBJECTIVE: From the application of exercise therapy of cerebral palsy (CP) children from China and other countries, to research rehabilitative effectiveness and system of exercise therapy for CP in children. DATA SOURCES: At Tianjing Medical Information Station, Tianjin Medical Library, we searched manually for articles about cinesiateics of CP in children between March 2000 and February 2005 with the key words of "cerabral palsy, exercise therapy" in Chinese; with the key words of "cerebral, stimulation" in English. STUDY SELECTION: Articles including Bocath, voijta, Shangtian method and introductory education, etc. were selected from the data in order to improve limbs physical function of children patients, the ability of takeing care of themselves and ability of social adaptation. DATA EXTRACTION: More than 50 literatures on CP were collected, and 27 experiential reports published in recent 5 years at home and abroad were used as materials. DATA SYNTHESIS: The materials included 14 treatment therapies, that were neural growth therapy, Bobath therapy, Rood therapy, sense combination therapy, Shangtian therapy, balance function therapy, mouth physical impediment therapy, electric stimulus therapy, appliance to correct shape, education recovery therapy and occupational therapy and introductory education and so on. CONCLUSION: Exercise therapy has surely effectiveness on CP children's recovery. Although it cannot be cured permanent control, can ameliorate the function of children patients, bring its potential into full play. However, the rehabilitative method should be chosen for the further step.
作者 杨伶 赵鹏
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期135-137,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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