The Eastern Kunlun granitoid belt,more than 800Km from west to east and 40-80Km in width, spans in the north of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The main body of the granitoidbelt is situated in the north of the central palaeosuture of the Eastern Kunlun. The granitoidwith multiperiodic activity and complex lithology is dominated by Variscan-Indosinian gran-ites. The geological characteristics of the Eastern Kunlun granitoid belt are listed in Table l. Taking advantage of the study method of granitoid assemblages (intrusive body-unit-assemblage-series) and based on the genetic consanguinity, spatial association and the re-striction of structural environment, 12 assemblages have been classified (see Table 2). Therelationship betweeen spatial distribution and structural environment of main granitoid as-semblages and its lithology,lithochemistry and geochemistry have been discussed. And thenin terms of the tectonic background of source rock, diagenetic tectonism and genetic fea-tures, the granitoid assemblages interrelated in time and space are combined into three tec-tonic series, that is, Devonian-Carboniferous continental-crust expending series, Permian-Middle Triassic B-type subducting series and Middle Triassic-Jurassic A-type oblique sub-ducting series. The tectonic background of the source rock of Devonian-Carboniferous continental-crustexpending series belongs to faulted system dominated by Late Proterozoic Paleosuture andthe northern Kunlun basement rock series (buried Archaeozoic). Its diagenetic tectonic sur-rounding is located in the northern wing of Anyemaqen expending rift zone. Accompanyingwith the evolution of the rift zone, the paleosuture was active-rift-warped-decollement ofbasement and cover, and the granitoid series changed from mantle-crust mixture type to crusttype. The granitoid is nonorogenic alkalic-calc-alkaline rock serier with bimodal type (highpotassium and low aluminihm),associated with gabbro, and lacks those rocks that containSiO_2,55%-45%. The tectonic background of the source rock of Permian-Middle Triassic B-type subduct-ing series is the Carboniferous stripping decollement-rift-depression zone and basement rockseries of the northern Kunlun. Its diagenetic tectonic surrounding is located in the magmaticzone of northern continental margin of B-type double subductional belts (middle and south-ern subduction). Accompanying with the process that the diagenetic tectonic surrounding changes from basement faulting to crust remelting and to hot rising and emplacement, thegranitoid series evolve mantle--mixture--crust type in succession. The granitoid is an oro-genic calc-alkaline rock series and the evolutional tendency diverges from the Cordillera type(named the Eastern Kunlun tendency). The mantle granite is associated with gabbro, thecomposition of the rock series is continuous and positive evolution. The tectonic background of the source rock of Middle Triassic-Jurassic A-type obliquesubducting series belongs to the Middle Kunlun subduction-collision zone (Permian granitedomes solidified to form several large batholiths, the Northern and Southern Kunlun base-ments are embeded into each other). Its diagenetic tectonic surrounding is located in the A-type oblique subduction zone. Accompanying with the decollement of Southern Kunlun--oblique subduction of Middle Kunlun--orogenic rising, the granitoid series changes from crusttype to mixture type. The granitoid is an orogenic calc-alkaline rock series and negative evo-lution. In the end of A-type subduction, a hysteresis extending belt was caused by the inten-sive orogenic rising. The granites are postorogenic crust-type alkaline rock series, emplacingalong the hysteresis extending belt. Table 3 listes the tectonic surrounding and genetic fea-tures of the granitoid. Based on the research on the granitoid assemblages, the basement and cover structuresof this area have been remoulded to explain the Variscan-Indosinian tectonic--magmatic evo-lution and orogenic process.
granitoid assemblages
tectonic environment
the Eastern Kunlun