
管灸与悬灸治疗疱疹病毒性面神经炎对照观察 被引量:17

Controlled observation on Guan-moxibustion and suspended moxibustion for treatment of herpes simplex virus facial neuritis
摘要 目的:评价管灸疗法治疗疱疹病毒性面神经炎的临床疗效。方法:3个中心共160例入组,157例完成研究。所有病例随机分为管灸组和悬灸组,均进行基础针刺治疗,在针刺治疗的基础上,分别给予管灸治疗和悬灸治疗。观察周期为8周,采用面部残疾指数(FDI)和面神经功能分级评定疗效。结果:治疗后管灸组有效率91.0%,悬灸组有效率72.2%,两组的疗效差异有显著性意义(P<0·05),管灸组疗效优于悬灸组。结论:对于疱疹病毒性面神经炎,管灸加针刺的疗效优于悬灸加针刺。 Objective To evaluate clinical therapeutic effect of Guan-moxibustion on herpes simplex virus facial neuritis. Methods One hundred and sixty cases were enrolled in 3 centers and 157 cases were completed the study. All the patients were randomly divided into 2 groups, a Guan-moxibustion group and a suspended moxihustion group, Allof them were treated with basic acupuncture, and the Guan-moxibustion group were added with Guan- moxibustion and the suspended moxibustion group with suspended moxibustion. They were treated for 8 weeks, and facial disability index (FDI) and House-Brackmann facial nerve grading system were used to assess therapeutic effects. Remits The effective rate was 91.0% in the Guan-moxibustion group and 72. 2% in the suspended moxibustion group with a significant difference between the two groups (P〈0.05), the Guan-moxibustion being better than the suspended moxibustion group. Conclusion The therapeutic effect of Guan-moxibustion plus acupuncture on herpes simplex virus facial neuritis is better than that of suspended moxibustion plus acupuncture.
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期166-168,共3页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
基金 国家中医药管理局课题:国中医药科2002ZL36号
关键词 面神经麻痹/针灸疗法 面神经麻痹/病毒学 疱疹痛毒科感染/并发症 @管灸 Facial Paralysis/acup-mox ther Facial Paralysis/virol Herpesviridae Infeetions/eompl @ Guan-moxibustion
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