
循证护理在护理教学中的运用现状 被引量:28

A review of the application of evidence-based nursing in nursing education
摘要 循证护理是随着循证医学的发展而出现的新兴领域,综述了循证护理产生的历史背景和循证护理引入护理教学的必要性及循证护理在护理教学中的应用现状,指出护理教育要想适应循证护理的发展,必须加强院校投资,进行专业教师培训,培养学生循证思维和循证实践能力,提高护理质量。 Evidence -based nursing is a new nursing subject appeared with the development of evidence -bused medicine. This paper summarized the background,necessity and application of evidence - based nursing in nursing education. The author proposed that nursing education should be adapted to the development of evidence - based nursing,increase the investment to nursing education ,provide training for professional teachers,develop students ' evidence - based thinking and evidence - based practicing abillty,so as to improve the quality of nursing.
出处 《护理管理杂志》 2006年第3期16-17,20,共3页 Journal of Nursing Administration
关键词 循证护理 护理教育 运用 evident t - based nursing nursing education application
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