
坚持科学发展观 努力提高高校基建工程质量 被引量:2

Maintaining the Scientific View of Development to Improve the Quality of Capital Construction in University
摘要 高校基建工作是高校事业发展的重要保证.要提高高校基建工程质量,就必须坚持科学发展观,构筑工程建设管理框架,不断形成适合建设发展的科学体系;在工程建设管理中突出重点,抓好施工管理的“三支队伍”建设,采取有效管理措施,促进工程质量上台阶. The capital construction in university is the guarantee to the development of university. To improve the quality of capital construction in university is to maintain the scientific view of development, construct the framework of capital construction management and constantly build up the suitable scientific system. Capital construction management should lay stress on the key points, manage the units in charge of construction and take effective management measures to promote the quality of construction.
作者 惠益强
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2006年第2期91-92,共2页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 科学发展观 高校基建 工程质量 scientific view of development t capital construction in university quality of construction
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