
绩效特征导向的知识员工考评方法的思考 被引量:25

Pondering on Knowledge Worker's Performance Appraisal Methods Based on Performance Characteristics
摘要 本文从工作内容、工作方式和工作性质三个角度综合考虑定义了知识员工,在此基础上,用职业转换的“柔性”和非程序化程度两个维度将知识员工分为四种类型。通过回顾绩效的内涵和结构,指出了关系绩效对于知识员工的重要性和相应的考评方法。从行为和结果两个方面分别对知识员工的任务绩效特征进行了归纳总结。在对知识员工绩效考评方法分类的基础上,结合绩效特征,探讨了与四类知识员工相匹配的考评方法。 Based on integrated consideration about job content, working mode, job characteristics, a definition about knowledge worker was put forward, then, it divides knowledge worker into four types in light of ‘ career transferring flexibility' and no - procedural extent whose job requires. On the basis of reviewing the content and structure about performance, it points out contextual performance' s importance for knowledge worker and corresponding appraisal method. From two sides of behavior and result, this paper summarizes knowledge worker's task performance characteristic. Finally, based on the classificatio about performance appraisal methods of knowledge worker, incorporated with knowledge worker's task performance characteristic, the matching appraisal methods with knowledge worker types are discussed.
机构地区 华中科技大学
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期21-27,共7页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70572036)资助
关键词 知识员工 绩效结构 任务绩效特征 绩效考评方法 knowledge worker performance structure task performance characteristics performance appraisal method
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