
圆盘型非接触超声波马达定子的有限元分析 被引量:1

Finite Element Analysis of Disc-type Non-contact Ultrasonic Motor
摘要 阐述一种圆盘型非接触超声波马达的结构。利用振动理论和有限元法分析计算了超声波马达定子在不同振动模态下的固有频率,并讨论了定子的内、外径比和厚度对其影响。结果两者吻合较好。由于振幅和非接触马达的运行密切相关,因此利用有限元计算了定子的振动幅度与定子的内、外径比、厚度和定子所加电压的关系,从而为马达定子的设计和优化提供了理论依据。 The configuration of the disc-type non-contact ultrasonic motor was analyzed in this paper. Natural frequency of the vibration mode was calculated by finite element method,and the results were coincident with the results of the vibration theory. Because vibrational amplitude was tightly correlated with operating of the non-contact Ultrasonic motor,the relevant factors were discussed,including the ratio of inner and outer radius, thickness and voltage of the stator. Such gives the theoretic base for the motor's design and optimization.
出处 《微电机》 北大核心 2006年第1期42-44,65,共4页 Micromotors
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50205017)
关键词 超声波电机 有限元分析 振动模态 固有频率 振幅 Ultrasonic motor FEA Vibration mode Natural frequency Vibrational amplitude
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