The cost of university organization reform is the sum total of the value occurred while university organtzations are initiating, organizing, safeguarding the reform and consolidating the reform achievements. Its attribute shows that it is an obiectively existing cost with indirect cost as its main body, basically belonging to the character of trade cost. It is an increasing marginal cost with dynamic symmetry against income, mixed together with normal school administration cost, a cost in the course of natural reform. The cost of university organization reform affects the formation of reform intention, the selection of reform styles, the promotion of the reform and the evaluation of the reform achievements. Why the cost occurs to the university organization reform is because of the productivity in the course of the reform, the economic rationality of the principle part of reform, the specialty of reform assets, the un completeness of reform information, the dependence of reform routes and the unbalanced power structure of reform. In the actual practice of university organization reform, some controlling strategies must be taken accordingly for the sake of the minimum cost of reform.
Educational Research