
CO_2气调防治储粮害虫试验研究 被引量:11

Experimental study of the CO_2 controlled atmosphere for controlling stored-grain insect
摘要 利用自行设计的试验装置,充入CO2气体使储粮害虫(谷蠹与米象)窒息死亡,以达到杀灭粮食害虫的目的。试验分为两个部分,一是在实验室里进行,试验温度分别在15~18℃和23~28℃;试验的CO2气体浓度分别控制在25%、30%、35%、40%、45%、50%、55%和60%左右;试验时间分别为24、48、72、96、120、168h。通过多次试验,找出了实验室试验的最佳参数;温度为(25±3)℃;CO2气体浓度为25%~35%;谷蠢杀虫保持时间为72h以上;米象杀虫保持时间为48h。二是在实验仓进行试验,将传感器通过管道分别布置在仓的各个部位,并每隔12~24h,测取温、湿度等。实验仓的试验验证了实验室的试验结果,但杀虫的持续时间为10d以上,研究成果为实仓应用CO2气调防治储粮害虫提供了可靠的依据。 By using the experiment equipments designed and manufactured by us, the CO2 gas was charged to suffocate and kill the grain insects (Rhizoptha Dominica Fabricius and Sitophilus Oryzae Linnaeu), to protect the grain. The experiments are devided into two parts, first part was done in the laboratory and the temperature was 15-18℃ and 23-28℃ The CO2 gas density was about 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55% and 60%, respectively. The time was 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 168 h, respectively. After repeated experiments, the optimum parameters were found: the temperature in the grain warehouse was (25±3)℃ The CO2 gas density was 25 %-35 %, Rhizoptha Dominica Fabricius will be dead in 72 h and Sitophilus Oryzae Linnaeu will be dead in 48 h. Second part was done in the warehouse. The temperature sensors and the humidity sensors were put in the bottom, middle and top of the warehouse and the data were collected every 12-24 h. The results showed that the parameters got in the laboratory were correct. The best time for killing the insects was about 10 days. It established the technical base for controlling stored-grain insects by the CO2 controlled atmosphere.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期166-170,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 安徽省"十五"科技攻关重大专项(01703007)
关键词 CO2 储粮害虫 气调 CO2 stored-grain insects controlled atmosphere
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