
口腔种植修复临床效果十年回顾研究 被引量:153

A clinical retrospective study of 10 years implant results
摘要 目的 评估骨结合种植体应用10年的临床效果。方法 1994年8月至2004年8月在北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院口腔种植中心植入的骨结合种植体共5 590枚,其中Bfanemark种植体161枚,Frialit-2种植体1 436枚,IMZ种植体1 012枚,Ankylos种植体767枚,Camlog种植体2 189枚,Komet种植体25枚。全部种植体均在2004年8月前完成上部结构修复,其中固定修复2314例,活动修复315例,共计2 629例患者。平均追踪77.2个月(7~121个月)。观察方法为X线检查和临床检查,采用Wheeler存留标准评估,纳入Kaplan-Meier存留曲线统计。结果 种植修复体完成时2 624例患者对修复效果满意,5例患者对修复体不满意,重作后4例表示满意,1例表示可以接受。随访中有105例患者共178枚种植体确诊为种植体周围炎。有明确记录的共68枚种植体脱落。10年随访累计修复体松动21件,修复体折断4件,烤瓷冠崩瓷51件。据Wheeler存留标准统计10年存留率为96.7%。结论 种植修复患者的满意度高,本组种植体的10年存留率达到96.7%。 Objective To evaluate ten years clinical results of dental implant treatment. Methods A total of 5 590 endosseous implants were consecutively placed from Aug. 1994 to Aug 2004 in Center of Implantation, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology. Among them, 161 were Branemark implants, 1 436 were Frialit-2 implants, 1 012 were IMZ implants, 767 were Ankylos implants, 2 189 were Catalog implants, and 25 were Komet implants. A total of 2 629 prostheses were delivered, including 2 314 fixed prostheses and 315 implant-supported removable dentures. The patient age range was between 17 and 82. The mean follow-up time was 77. 2 months (7 to 121 months). Clinical examination and X-ray films were conducted. The results were evaluated with Wheeler "s survival criteria. Results With the final prostheses, 2 624 patients were satisfied. Five patients were unsatisfied with the prostheses. With refabricating the prostheses, 4 patients were satisfied and one expressed as acceptable. Peri-implantitis was observed in 178 implants of 105 cases. Prostheses loose was observed in 21 cases and fracture in 4 cases. Ceramic crack was observed in 51 cases. The documented implants lost were 68. The implant survival rate was 96. 7% according to Wheeler's survival critetia. Conclusions Implant prostheses were with high satisfaction. The implant survival rate was as highly as 96. 7%. Implant prostheses were indicated for almost all the partial and complete edentulous cases due to modern implant surgical technique.
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期131-135,共5页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
关键词 牙种植 牙修复体 存留率 Dental implantation Dental prosthesis Survival rate
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