
基于条码识别的高速位置反馈伺服控制 被引量:4

Barcode-Based Position Control Servo for High-Speed Condition
摘要 针对某些情况下传统的控制方法难以实现准确高速的位置控制,提出了一种基于条码识别的高速位置反馈伺服控制方法.通过设计一种具有一定结构特征的条码,利用对条码的识别作为位置反馈依据,并结合角度编码器及插补运算,获得高精度的位置偏差,然后通过控制算法由伺服系统完成位置校正.阐述了对条码的设计和识别以及插补获得精确位置偏差的方法.该位置反馈控制方法理论上具有较好的实时性、高精度和高速适用性. To deal with the position control in some conditions where it can not be done exactly and fast by traditional methods, a barcode-based position controlling method for high-speed condition was introduced. The position feedback will depend on the decoding of a kind of redesigned barcode with a special structure. By using the angle encoder and interpolation arithmetic,high precision position deviation can be gained. Then position correction will be done through the control algorithm and servo system. The design and decoding of the barcode and the method of obtaining high precise deviation were illuminated. In theory, this method of control servoing has an excellent peculiarity of real-time, high precision and high-speed applicability.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期456-460,465,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
关键词 位置控制 伺服控制系统 条码识别 角度编码器 插补运算 position control servo control system barcode recognition angle encoder interpolation arithmetic
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