

摘要 根据pH值对硅溶胶分散氧化铝浆料稳定性的影响及机理,用一种免脱气水解反应诱导原位凝固成型技术制备了莫来石陶瓷坯体。在pH值为2.0左右,制备得到Al2O3固相体积分数为55%、粘度小于1.0Pa·s符合莫来石化学计量组成的硅溶胶分散氧化铝浆料,利用尿素的自水解反应,将浆料的pH值从2.0调节到5.0,实现浆料的原位凝固成型,浆料无须脱气处理,可成型得到抗折强度为5.14MPa、显微结构致密均匀的莫来石素坯。 Mullite green body was prepared by a novel hydrolysis-assisted solidification technique without a de-gassing process. Based on the effect of the pH value on the stability behavior of the alumina slurry dispersed in silica sol, concentrated alumina slurry dispersed in silica sol (with chemical composition of stoichiometric pure mullite) with a solid volume loading of 55 Al2O3 and a viscosity lower than 1.0 Pa · s was successfully prepared at the pH value of about 2.0. In-situ solidification of the slurry was realized through adjustment of the pH values from 2.0 to 5.0 with the help of the self-hydrolysis of urea. High compaction and uniform mullite green body with no entrapped air and with a bending strength of 5.14 MPa can be obtained by the technique.
出处 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期308-313,共6页 Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
关键词 水解反应诱导凝固成型 硅溶胶 氧化铝 莫来石 hydrolysis-assisted solidification silica sol alumina mullite
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