
企业开放式创新:概念、模型及其风险规避 被引量:28

Open Innovation in Corporates: Conception,Model and Risk Avoiding
摘要 企业创新范式正由封闭式创新向开放式创新转变。开放式创新强调外部知识资源对于创新过程的重要性,并要求企业从内部和外部两个渠道加快企业技术研发和商业化速度。介绍并分析了Chesbrough开放式创新的概念与模型,归纳总结出开放式创新的风险与规避措施,并在此基础上指出其对我国大中型高科技企业实施开放式创新的启示和做法。 A paradigm shift is occurring in how the company commercialize knowledge, from Closed Innovation to Open Innovation. Open innovation emphasize that the external knowledge is very important to company's innovation process, and it assumes that companies can and should use external as well as internal knowledge and paths to accelerate the rate of R&D and its commercialization. This paper introduces the conception and model of the Open Innovation, brought out by Henry Chesbrough, then analysis the risks of open innovation and some measures to avoid these risk. At last, some suggestions are given for the big and medium high-tech companies in China when they adopt the open innovation paradigm.
作者 后锐 张毕西
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期140-142,共3页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 广东省软科学计划项目(2003C70170) 广东省自然科学基金项目(040094474)
关键词 开放式创新 概念与模型 风险规避 open innovation sconcept and model risk avoiding
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