
电力市场环境下的发电公司信息化建设 被引量:2

Information System Integration of Power Generation Enterprises in Electricity Markets
摘要 提出了在电力体制改革的背景下,为使发电公司能够在激烈的市场竞争中获得主动权,如何从管理及信息战略的角度出发对发电公司已有的信息系统加以改进甚至再造。着重探讨了市场环境下发电公司信息化的发展趋势、信息整合的总体框架及实现的关键技术,最后介绍了发电公司竞价辅助决策系统的主要功能模块及其与厂级监控信息系统在功能上的区别。 To make power generation enterprises enable to achieve the initiative in keen competition within the market under the background of system reformation for electric power industry, from the viewpoint of management and information strategy the authors explain how to improve or even to the extent that to reconstruct the existing information systems of power generation enterprises. The development trend of informatization for power generation enterprises in the environment of market is pointed out, the overall architecture framework of information integration and the key technology to implement the informatization of power generation enterprises are put forward. Finally, the main function modules of power generation enterprise bidding system (PBS) and the functional difference between PBS and supervisory information system (SIS) in plant level are presented.
作者 赖菲 夏清
机构地区 清华大学电机系
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期29-32,共4页 Power System Technology
关键词 企业资源规划 供应链管理 竞价决策系统 发电公司 电力市场 Enterprise resource programming (ERP) Supply chain management (SCM) Power generation enterprise bidding system (PBS) Power generation company Electricity market
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