

The Historical Orientation of the Qing Regime during the Old Files Altering Period of Manchu Language and Mongolian Language
摘要 本文拟就努尔哈赤天命十一年与蒙古科尔沁部王太子奥巴结盟誓词和皇太极崇德年间蒙文藏事文书档案译稿等两组史料作切入点,来解读官方编纂的汉文清太祖、清太宗两朝实录,揭示其刻意对满文蒙文旧档中的关键词语作了明显的润色与篡改,从而使以满藏蒙关系为坐标的清政权的历史定位,多处偏离历史的真实界限。 This thesis explains the authentic records of Chinese great-grandfather and Qing emperor through official codification from the alliance affirmation of Nurhachu and Obar,the prince of Keerqin tribe in Mongolia and instrument files translations of Tibetan affairs in Mongolian language during the Chongde years reigned by Huangtaiji.This thesis reveals that the
作者 任树民
出处 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第2期71-73,共3页 Journal of Tibet Nationalities Institute(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 作了明显的润色与篡改 从而使以满藏蒙关系为坐标的清政权的历史定位 多处偏离历史的真实界限. in old files of Manchu language and Mongolian language have been clearly refined and altered,therefore makes the historical orientation of the Qing regime which was coordinates by the relationship of Manchu,Tibet and Mongolia stray away from the historical reality. Key Words: the files of old Manchu authentic records: translations of Tibetan issue Nurhachu Huangtaiji Obar
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  • 3又齐木德道尔吉,巴根那编.《清朝太祖太宗世祖朝实录蒙古史史料抄-乾隆本康熙本比较》,内蒙古大学出版社,2001年.
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