
400Hz中频单相电压源逆变器的输出控制及其并联运行控制 被引量:46

Output Control and Parallel Operation Control of 400Hz Single-phase Voltage-source Inverter
摘要 中频电源由于其较高的输出频率,要想得到较好的输出电压波形和较大的输出功率,则比工频逆变器的控制更加困难。针对400Hz中频逆变器的特点,给出了一种带幅值环的双闭环单相逆变器控制策略,得到了很好输出波形。并提出了一种介于有线和无线并联控制方法之间的共享同步信号的外特性下垂控制方法,以及用于消除直流环流的直流偏置电压下垂方法,将上述方法应用于中频逆变电源的并联运行控制,取得了很好的均流效果。介绍了该方案的理论依据,并搭建了两台1.5kW的实验样机,实验结果证明了该方案的有效性。 Because of the high output voltage frequency of medium frequency power supply, there will be more difficulties in controlling the inverter to achieve good output voltage waveform and high capability than the controlling of 50Hz inverter. Aim at the characteristic of this 400Hz medium frequency inverters, this paper presents a double feedback loop control scheme with amplitude loop for single-phase voltage-source inverters (VSI) and get the perfect output waveform. Furthermore, a droop method sharing a synchronous signal and a novel DC-offset voltage droop method used to eliminate the DC cross current are proposed and applied in the parallel operation control of 400Hz inverter. Output current is shared well. The validity of the proposed scheme is proved by the experimental results on two 1.5KW single-phase inverters,
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期78-82,共5页 Proceedings of the CSEE
关键词 电力电子 逆变器 中频电源 输出控制 并联运行控制 power electronics inverter medium frequency power supply output control parallel operation control
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